Burj Al-luqluq Team Participates in the fourth Palestinian international Marathon in Bethlehem

Burj Al-Luqluq team participated in the Palestinian international Marathon ‘ Right To Movement’ which was been organized by the Palestinian Olympic committee and the Danish Right To Movement institution. The event was settled in Bethlehem with a number of 4000 local and foreign participants.

Burj Al-Luqluq team contained 50 Jerusalemite players whom were wearing drawn shirts indicating the consistency of Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine and of the isolated occupied Jerusalem.

30 player from Burj Al-Luqluq team participated in the 21 Kilometers competitions while 20 of the team participated in the 10 Kilometers competitions. Moreover, Burj Al-Luqluq Dabka’s team ‘Burj Butterflies’ participated in the event and presented a show for the crowd on the marathon’s stage within waiting the participants to finish their competitions.

Burj Al-Luqluq team supervisor, Marwan Sleem confirmed that this participation came along persevering the name of Jerusalem and for reinforcing the Jerusalemite existence in many territories. Furthermore, he adds that Burj Al-Luqluq team trained hard for this participation and made 4 slogans which are ‘ Keep Jerusalem in your mind’, ‘ Isolated Jerusalem’, ‘ I miss going to Jerusalem’ and ‘ Jerusalem is the Compass’ in the aim of reminding participants that Jerusalem is the capital, the compass and the issue. Finally, Marwan confirmed that Burj Al-Luqluq will participate continuously in these annual future marathons and will reinforce the cooperation with the organizing parties of this marathon in order to raise the number of participates in the next year.

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