Within ‘Live the Burj’ Program Funded by Arab Development Fund Burj Al-Luqluq Signs 10 New Community Youth Initiatives

Burj Al-Luqluq social center singed 10 new community youth initiatives within the program ‘Live the Burj’ funded by the Arab Development Fund ,through the Islamic Bank and under the supervision of Welfare Association. The signed initiatives aim to serve the Jerusalemite youth and their creative ideas, the initiatives were signed in the educational beacon in Burj Al-Luqluq Social Center.

The project manager from Welfare Association Ala’ Al-Turshan, The head manager of Burj Al-Luqluq Naser Ghaith, The executive manager Muntaser Idkaidek, the project coordinator Ahmad Jaber and a group of Jerusalemite youth initiators attended the conference.

At First, Muntaser Idkaidek welcomed the crowd, confirmed the importance of publishing new community initiatives and focused on the important concentration on school initiatives to support students ideas and to confirm the importance of working with Jerusalemite students and teachers.

And then, Ala’ Al-Turshan confirmed that Welfare Association is proud of this beneficial relationship with Burj Al-Luqluq Social Center which has been working continuously in helping Jerusalemite youth and developing their creative ideas by supporting social, youth and school initiatives. Moreover, he added that this program is for activating and reinforcing the association’s activities within a year and a half funding process by the Arab Development Fund through the Islamic Bank and under the supervision of Welfare Association.

Burj Al-Luqluq head manager Nasser Ghaith confirmed that the association is proud with the continuous partnership with the Welfare Association and thanked the Arab Development Fund and the Islamic Bank. Moreover he added that our association will remain preserving and supporting the Jerusalemite youth in and out of the Holy City – Jerusalem.

Finally , contracts were signed through Burj Al-Luqluq Board of Directors, The Project Manager and the Initiators. Signed initiatives were as follows:

1- Draw your own country initiative for Silwan Club – Signed by Mahmmoud Baidun.

2- The touristic guidance for schools and families interactions  initiative for the historical Jerusalemite researcher Nour Al-Rajabi.

3- Leader garden/ the educational leadership playground initiative for the New Generation School /Beit Hanina- Signed by the school advisor Mohammad Abu Hadid.

4- Discover yourself by your own hobby initiative for Al-Dawha School- Signed by Nadia Eid.

5- Supporting people with social needs in educational schools initiative for the university education department – Signed by the leader Ahmad Odeh.

6- My right to play… more interesting in my school initiative for Muslim youth school for girls – Signed by Waheed Hashem Imam.

7- Neighborhood initiative for the initiator Dina Fteha.

8- Reviving the Islamic artistic decorations and delivering it to the Jerusalemite youth initiative – Signed by the coach Nasser Abdul Razeq Al-Tamimi.

9-  My school is my friend initiative for woman refugee school – Signed by Khawla Ahmad Srour.

10- Ramadan in Jerusalem is different initiative – Signed by the initiator Majd Al-Hidmi.

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