‘We are the Change… and We Changed!’ a special day in Burj al-LuqLuq

Burj Al-Luqluq Social Center Society, organized in its premises in the Old City the Opening Ceremony for the second phase of the Project “Fostering socio-economic empowerment and protection of vulnerable Palestinian communities in East Jerusalem – Phase II”, implemented in partnership with the Italian NGO Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli (CISP) and funded by the European Union (EU).

The event included several activities such as a football ‘World Cup’ for consulates, where 8 teams from consulates and local and international organizations had participated in. The tournament was characterized by a high sportsmanship and lasted for four

hours and was enjoyed also by the families of diplomats and local players.

The event included a bazaar of handicrafts from local women enterprises, Dabkeh, parkour dances, kids’ corners and music, among others.

The Executive Manager of the center, Muntaser Edkaidek, conveyed his delight about the opportunity this event represents to bring together the local and international community and wishes this is a step to strengthen relations and mutual knowledge further. He is especially happy to see a new milestone of the project materialize, building on the achievements of the previous 3 years of work funded by the EU.

The Project – that is informally referred to as “We are the Change… and We Changed!” by the beneficiaries themselves – aims at fostering the social and economic empowerment of Palestinian residents of Jerusalem, with a particular focus on the most vulnerable ones, thanks to the key role of Burj al LuqLuq community center in offering a wide array of services to children and adults. The organization itself is proud of the capacity-building process it has undergone as a part of the Project, implemented hand-in-hand with CISP to support the exponential quality and effectiveness of the center’s work, and ensuring its sustainability to serve Palestinians in Jerusalem.

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