Success Stories

Majd Initiative – Enhancing Life Skills and Innovation in Jerusalem Schools.

Burj Al-Luqluq Social Center Society implemented  “Majd Diary” training and initiatives in collaboration with 5 schools under the Directorate of Education in Jerusalem.

Majd Diary initiative is divided into two interconnected parts: the training aspect, which includes various life skills training, teamwork, and role exchange, and the executive aspect, which focuses on implementing student-led initiatives as an outcome of these trainings.

Goals of  Majd Diary School Initiative:

– Develop personalities capable of improving the educational and social environment.
– Enhance students’ daily life skills.
– Encourage innovation and school initiatives, resulting in ideas that improve Jerusalem schools’ educational and social environment.
– Build positive relationships and strengthen cooperation and teamwork among students.

Life skills training under the Majd Diary initiative was carried out in five schools:

– Ali bin Abi Talib Boys School – Sur Baher.
– Sharafat School.
– Modern Mixed Kindergarten School – Al-Za’im.
– Al-Aqsa Boys School – Al-Eizariya.
– Tala’i School – Beit Hanina.

The initiatives were implemented in all the mentioned schools through the school committees formed within them.

The Majd Diary initiative is executed in Jerusalem schools in cooperation with the Directorate of Education and within the “Forsa” project funded by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

For more photos and details about the training and school initiatives, visit the Burj Al-Luqluq’s Facebook page.


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