Lawyer Kamal Obeidat During his Visit to BALL BALL and YMCA are one of our most important Jerusalem castles

The head of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Jerusalem, the lawyer Kamal Obeidat, visited Burj Al-luluq Social Center Society  with the Secretary of Qudsana Ahmed Al-Bukhari. The lawyer visited the ceramic lab. training center , which is one of the important projects in BALL which maintains a Palestinian popular heritage that was made exclusively by the city of Jerusalem and Hebron. He also visited Burj Al-luluq playgrounds and kindergarten.

Lawyer Obeidat was welcomed by Chairman of the Board of Directors of BALL Mr. Nasser Ghaith, and the Executive Director of BALL Mr. Muntaser Edkediek, who provided a brief explanation about the latest programs and projects currently implemented by the society, including project management courses for Jerusalemite women.

Lawyer Obaidat affirmed that next year2020, we will witness joint activities and programs that bring together the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and BALL in the benefit of women and Jerusalemite youth .

In his speech, Lawyer Obaidat stressed the importance of this Jerusalem castle, «Burj Al luqluq», and also pointed out the importance of finding  an  urgent solution to the YMCA, which is also one of the most important Jerusalem castles, where we must keep it running in order to keep Jerusalemite people benefit from its services.

Finally, Lawyer Obaidat stressed on the need for concerted official  and civil Palestinian and Jerusalemite efforts to keep the association performing its sporting, youth and community mission in the Holy City

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