Burj Al-luqluq Social Center Conclusion (Al-Burj youth Camp) In the Palestinian South

Jerusalem – Pal sports Agency 

burj Al-Luqluq social center has concludes Al Burj Youth Camp that was focused on the old city youth specially  from Bab Hutta neiborhood, the Camp targeted 17 Male Jerusalemite youth and was funding by the British Consulate ) through the Foreign and commonwealth office for a period of three days in the southern Palestinian region .

 The main goal of the camp is to educate Jerusalemite youth about the importance of acquiring  archaeological information specially that information-rich state of Palestine by design tours in several areas, including: Ain al-Baydah, The Forty Martyrs Church  , Ein Gedi Mountains, Al -Maghtas , the borders between the State of Palestine and the State of Jordan, the Dead Sea , the camp focus on self-development through meetings with the young leadership, And the camp program for three days came as follows:

The first day:

Going to Al-Maghtas area  , taking information on its historical and religious importance, and then going to the Jordan River and to the salt factory and making a tour of how to extract and manufacture salts and then going to the place of residence  at Al-Bar association in the city of Jericho, the mentor Khalil Sabri did a meeting for how to live in the desert and began Explaining the construction of the camp (tents for sleeping), the participants erected the tents, after a tour of  jeeps was made in the wilderness of Jerusalem and headed to the forty martyrs Church on the mountains, and during the camp the participants made their meal in the hills and then returned to camp place , and at the end of the first day a meeting was made for leadership skills like ice  breaking activities between participants, and making a day evaluation and going to sleep.

The second day:

The participants woke up  early and started preparing breakfast, then going to Ein al-Baydah to get to know the different  types of residing and migrating Palestinian birds in the state of Palestine , and heading to the border between the state of Palestine and the state of Jordan, and during the second day the participants prepared a meal for them and then went to the camp center to have a free break for an hour and after that Going to the second meeting of leadership training skills focusing in promoting interest in education and how to reduce school dropout , and at the end of the second day the participants prepare dinner and make an evaluation for the day and go to sleep.

The third day:

Participants woke up and prepared breakfast  then they start the tour to the mountains of Ein Gedi and in the heart of the valleys and also walking in the water for short distances, the tour was based on knowing the types of trees of the state of Palestine, and climbing the top of the mountain on the overlooking the Dead Sea, Mr.  Khalil Sabri explained the importance of the Dead Sea and the great resources that acquires it, then everybody went to the park to have lunch, and during the return to Jerusalem an evaluation of the camp was made in the third day. 

On other hand it’s also important to noticed that the camp was management by al burj team with the assistance of the center field trainers Ragheb Abu Sneneh as camp director and Alaa Jamjoum as a life skills trainer.

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