Burj Al-Luqluq Organized Film Screenings -“Yalla nshouf film!”

Burj al-Luqluq social center society organized cinema screenings for 20 films through «Yalla Neshof Film!» project, from the beginning of September until November 2019, In cooperation with “Shashat Women Cinema” and in partnership with the “Society of Women Graduates” and “Sunflower Association for the Protection of the Human Being and the Environment and funded in a major part by the European Union, with additional support by CFD a feminist peace organization and the Representative Office of the Republic of Poland to Palestine.

Burj al-Luqluq completed the five films screening out of twenty films: «The Shepherd», directed by Fidaa Attaya, «Sard» by Zina Ramadan, «Waraq Dawali» by Dina Amin, and «Dead Land» by Emjad Hubb «Al Raeeh». and «I am Palestinian» by Fida Nasir.

Film screenings this month targeted youth groups who, in turn, seemed to be highly engaged during the discussions that followed the screenings through professional facilitator.

During the discussion of the film «Waraq Dawali» with the facilitator Bashar Abu Shamsia, some of the discussion was about a small scene shows that if the lady does not help them in cooking she will find nothing to eat.

Some participants explained that the scene of her husband›s relative illustrates the reality inside the city of Jerusalem or that living in the city is difficult and all family members must be working in order to continue living in a good life. Another group expressed that coexistence starts from mixing and then integrating with the new society she wants to belong to. In addition the other audiences explained that lady said that to the beautiful memories that prevailed in our Jerusalem community.

During the discussion of «Al Raeeh» film, the participants asked to rerun the film again and they discussed who can the girl express her case through expressive dance, a number of participants against the idea and the rest with the expressive dance and part of the participants were with the expression in this way but away from their communities how they can find a space away from their communities judgments.

The project targets a diverse constituency of cultural centers, civil society organizations, community-based organizations, refugee camps and universities in the Jerusalem area, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, as well as informal groups applying under the umbrella of a registered organization. It aims at promoting governance and participatory citizenship in Palestine by providing communities with cinematic activities that encourage free speech and engages them in discussions of human rights and civic responsibility.

These community dialogues fostering social cohesion and tolerance can more effectively contribute to the formation of a democratic society based on rule-of-law and where communities can participate more effectively in defining their development needs and priorities.

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