Burj Al-Luqluq implements an initiative to motivate high school students in Jerusalem

Burj Al-Luqluq Community Society implemented “Shuhnet Tahfiz” initiative for high school students in Jerusalem on Monday 2019/5/13. The aim of the initiative is to give the students motivation during their exams in the current period. The workshop was presented by Dr. Talib Adkidk, human

development coach who facilitated a range of skills to help them study. Soon after, the artist Hossam Abo Aisheh performed a drama about Tawjihi and the pressures facing

the student, family, and neighbors.The meeting was attended by 59 students from Jerusalem. The initiative is part of Foursa project, funded by UNFPA, in partnership with Ishraqah Center and Yabous Cultural Center.

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