PM Meets with a Jerusalemite Youth Delegation

Prime Minister, Mohammed Shtayyeh, met with a delegation from Burj Al-Luqluq Social Center Society and youth initiators in Jerusalem in the presence of Minister of Jerusalem Affairs Fadi Haddmi and Deputy Director of the UNFPA.

The Prime Minister briefed the youth delegation on the nature of their work, initiatives and activities in Jerusalem, in addition to the most important obstacles facing young people and institutions in their work.

Shtayyeh reiterated that the priority in Jerusalem is to strengthen the steadfastness of citizens and to provide all forms of support for them and for youth initiatives that work to protect and strengthen Jerusalem identity.

The Prime Minister called for concerted efforts to confront the occupation›s efforts to change the facts, by abolishing the Islamic and Christian narrative in Jerusalem, and he asked young people to keep abreast of the technology and use it to convey our message to the world and in all languages. He stressed the importance of voluntary work and the need to strengthen it among youth groups, and revive the spirit of work, pointing out that the government will support and fund initiatives and entrepreneurship, youth and women.

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