Burj Al-Luqluq Wraps Up the Young Guide 2 Program with a Tour to the Palestinian Jordan Valley

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Burj Al-Luqluq Social Center Society organized, on Friday 03\02\2017, the last tour of the Young Guide 2 project to the Palestinian Jordan Valley. The tour aimed to learn about the historical and ancient monuments in the Valley, in addition to stressing on Burj Al-Luqluq message of empowering the Palestinian identity in the Palestinian cities, towns and   villages.

The tour guide Khalil Sabri accompanied the group that consists of 50 male and female students from different Palestinian universities. The group visited Al-Qalt Valley, Al-Muqallaq Valley, and then they went to Al-Maghtas which is located on the borders of Palestine and Jordan. The group then went to Qruntul Mountain where an evaluation of the program was made.


The project coordinator, Ahmad Jaber, said that ending the program with a tour to the Palestinian Jordan Valley is a message that ensures the Palestinian identity and teaches the Jerusalemite youth the original and Arabic historical stories of the occupied cities.


It is worth mentioning that the Young Guide 2 program is executed within Live the Burj project implemented by Burj Al-Luqluq, funded by the Arab Development Fund through the Islamic Bank for Development, under the supervision of the Welfare Association.




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