Bur Al-Luqluq Organizes a Tour to the Lowermost Al-Galilee and Bissan Within the Program ‘the Young Guide 2’

Burj Al-Luqluq Social Center Society organized a tour to the lowermost Al-Galilee within the program ‘ the Young Guide 2’ in the participation of fifty Jerusalemite young guide graduates and students in history, geography, media and photography fields in addition to many leaders and interested participants.

The tour started in front Al-Rashideyah school directly to Al-Fakou’a Mountains on Al-Jalout Valley, and then participants went to Al-Burqan Mountain and took a journey in Jerzeel Valley and green east line.

Then they went to Jama’in Valley and took a water walk-path journey reaching the national garden in Bissan. After the journey they went to Surtuba which overlooks on valleys reaching the start-up point.

On the tour, one of the participants ‘ Fadi Al-Zaghal’ confirmed that the tour was characterized by commitment and huge interactions between participants. He also added that Jerusalemite youth need similar tours which cover Palestine from the north to the south in order to reinforce the Palestinian identity and knowledge of archaeologies in the eye of participants.

It’s worth mentioning that the tours were supervised by the specialist guide Khalil Sabri and the entire program is within the project ‘Live the Burj’ which funded by Arab Development Fund through the Islamic Bank for Development, supervised by Welfare Association and implemented by Burj Al-Luqluq Social Center Society.  Moreover, this program was considered as one the most important youth programs which serves Jerusalemite youth in terms of Palestinian identity reinforcement and guiding skills development.

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