Soul Identity .. Students Activity for Sona’ Al-Hayah Group Sponsored by Burj Al-luqluq social society and Al-Quds University

Students affairs committee in Al-Quds University in cooperation with Burj Al-luqluq social center and with a partnership with Sona’ Al-Hayah team and Jerusalemite Parkour has organized an educational festival on Saturday in Al-Quds University titled as Soul Identity.

The doctor Abdul Ra’ouf Sinnawi has opened the festival with a speech indicating the importance of volunteering agreements with social and academic institutions for Palestinian society development. In addition, Mustafa Toubal has expressed Burj Al-luqluq social center goals and social entrepreneurship role in supporting Jerusalemite youth.

Within the festival, three beneficial films were presented to attendances. The First was titled as ‘Jerusalemite Ambitions’ which expressed life concerns of four Jerusalemite youth whom were the tourist guide Bashar Abu Shamseyeh, the journalist Zeina Qutemreh, the clown Mohammad Abu Samra and the calligrapher Omaimah Al-Tamimi. The second was titled as ‘Reesha and Qadeya’ which showed the drawing talent of the student Hanadi Atiyeh. The final one was titled as ‘Shajaret Khair Ilak Wlalghayr’ which displayed the initiative implemented by Sona’ Al-Hayah volunteers. Then, Al-Quds University students presented episodes of songs, plays, and Parkour show.

Furthermore, the festival contained a show called ‘Jerusalem a State and a University’ involving three exhibitions (drawings for the artist Hanadi Ateieh, photos exhibition of Jerusalem and university and calligraphy for the calligrapher Abdul Salam Halabeyeh). Finally, at the end of the festival, doctor Abdul Ra’ouf Sinnawi and Doctor Hanna Abdul ts.

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