Qodsna Gathering organizes the sports management and organizing competitions in Burj Al Laqlaq

Within a series of courses to develop the performance of administrators and technicians

Qodsna Gathering organizes the sports management and organizing competitions in Burj Al Laqlaq

In the Society of the Burj Al-Laqlaq Community Center in Old Jerusalem, the first meeting of the sports management and sports competitions organized by the Qodsna Association for Sports Federations and Sports in partnership with Al-Quds University and the Committee for Sport and the Environment kicked off on Thursday morning. The board of directors of Qodsna Sa›id Musk and the director of the Department of Physical Education in Jerusalem, Dr. Ahmad Al-Khawaja and the coordinator of the session Alaa Gumjum from the Burj Al-Laqlaq, and the Executive Director of Qodsna Mass Media Wisam Al-Bukhari.

The session was attended by a group of students from the Department of Physical Education at Al-Quds University and participants from the Jordanian sports federations, clubs and academies. The session will continue for four intensive sessions, each session lasting three hours, at the Burj Al-Laqlaq Society, which has devoted all its resources and facilities to the success of this session.

The secretary of the Qodsna community, Ahmed Al-Bukhari, pointed out that the grouping and within the strategy set up until 2022 will be the year 2019 dedicated to the development of the performance of the administrators in the sports institutions of Jerusalem, and there will also be a large share of the technicians «trainers and referees» through refresher and rehabilitation courses supervised by senior qualified professionals from the owners Higher degrees and extensive experience in sports and management.

Al-Bukhari stressed that this session comes in partnership with Al-Quds University, the Committee for Sport and the Environment and the Palestinian Olympic Committee through the Chairman of the Committee of Sport and the Environment Jamal Adila, in liaison with the President of the Palestinian Olympic Committee Mr. Jibril Rajoub and the President of Al-Quds University, Dr. Imad Abu Kishk. Launching the program of development of technical and administrative capabilities in our sports institutions in Jerusalem, which targets hundreds of managers, «the presidents of clubs, consortia, secretaries, treasurers, trainers and referees.

Dr. Emad Abu Kushak nominated Dr. Ahmed Al-Khawaja for communication and coordination of this project on Al-Quds University.

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