Burj Al-Luqluq & the Palestinian Union of “Sports for All” Organize a Tournament for the Jerusalemite Organizations

Burj Al-Luqluq Social Center Society, in cooperation with the Palestinian Union of Sports for All organized a tournament for Jerusalemite organizations on Wednesday 02/11/2017. The tournament was executed by Burj Al-Luqluq within Shababek Ya Quds 2 project, funded by the Jerusalemite businessman Munir Kalouti under the supervision of the Welfare Association and with the participation of Jerusalem Newspaper, The Jerusalem Electricity Company, The Jerusalem Doctors Gathering and Al-Makased Hospital.

At the end of the Tournament Burj ALLuqluq Head of Board Members, Naser Gaith, distributed medals to the winning teams as Burj Al-Luqluq came first and the Jerusalem Newspaper team came second.   

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