Burj Al-Luqluq Organizes a Photography Exhibition for Khaled Salem

Burj Al-Luqluq Social Center Society organized on 26/11/2017 an art exhibition for the Jerusalemite photographer Khaled Salem titled “A Building that is Worth a Thousand States” as a part of the monthly exhibitions project executed by Burj Al-Luqluq within Live the Burj 2 project funded by “VAKT i-KIRAAT” Turkish organization.

The exhibition was opened in the presence of Burj Al-Luqluq Executive Manager, Muntaser Edkaidek, the photographer Khaled Salem, the project coordinator, Ahmad Jaber, in addition to the photographer’s friends and relatives. Edkaidek assured the importance of organizing such events in order to help the Jerusalemite youth to start off.

Moreover, K. Salem stated that this was his first exhibition and it would remain the most amazing experience because it has an idea that is related to the resistance of Al-Aqsa Mosque against all the different attacks and he expressed that no country is supporting it.

It is worth mentioning that around 60 male and female Jerusalemite youth attended the opening of the exhibition while 150 more came throughout the day.

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