Al-Muazzafin- Burj Al-Luqluq Organizes the 22nd Edition of Al-Mawlid Al-Nabawi Tournament

Al-Muazzafin- Burj Al-Luqluq organized the 22nd Edition of Al-Mawlid Al-Nabawi tournament under the hospices of the Jerusalemite sportsman Said Misk. The tournament targeted beneficiaries born in 2003 from 12 different Jerusalemite clubs including Al-Arabi, Hilal Al-Quds, Al-Eisawiyeh, Sur Baher, Um Tuba, Abnaa’ Al-Quds, Al-Muazzafin- Burk Al-Lulquq, Beit Hanina, Jabal Al-Zaytun, Silwan, Shufat and the Palestinian Academy for Talented Footballers.

The Tournament launched on Thursday, 30/11/2017 and continued for three days of competition resulted in the winning of Abnaa’ Al-Quds and Jabal Al-Zaytun came second after penalty shootout.

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