The Minister of Culture, Atef Abu Saif, announced that « Burj Al-luluq Social Center Society” from occupied Jerusalem won the Islamic Organization for Education, Culture and Science award «ISESCO»

for the best cultural project in the city of Jerusalem, and Asdeqa Birzeit Association won its award in traditional industries and handicrafts field, which was granted during the 11th conference meeting for the Ministers of Culture, in Tunisia.

Abu Saif said: «The Ministry has nominated these two institutions in the framework of celebrating fighting against it.»

Jerusalem as the capital of Islamic culture for the year 2019, and within its vision to support pioneering ideas that enhance the principle of protecting the Palestinian heritage and identity, in addition to supporting cultural institutions in Jerusalem and strengthening its presence in light of the occupation

BALL Society was awarded the prize for its interest in creating a generation of youth and children characterized by a positive, profound behavior of affiliation, belief in the intellectual and cultural with their society without any suffering.

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